Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Here is a sculpt i did based on the old rogue trader imperial guard models, hopefully will sculpt a full 10 man squad of these guys and hopefully cast enough to use for a 30k cults and militia footslogger list I've been drooling over for the past week. I think i'll have to re-sculpt the right leg as the gaiters look a bit to high compared to the few rogue trader guard i have, but for now I'm pretty pleased with it.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

'ello, after a long hibernation I've finally got an update for anyone who by some odd chance decides to read this blog. I'll be honest i have a short attention span and got bored of the ogre, and moved on to sculpting a warhammer unification wars era imperial techno-barbarian. I don't want him to look too space marine-like as he's meant to be a sort of low-tech forefather to them, so I've tried to go for a sort of genetically modified man-at-arms look. The helmet is vaguely based on a kettle helm/sallet ,and will eventually have a plume for those who are interested in that sort of thing.